Study Abroad - BSB International Career Education Consultants

Professional Behaviour


Professional Behaviour

Tue May 8 2018

Every young Indian has the dream to fly abroad for earning more money. In India it is our long heritage, we are family oriented human being & we traditionally love to stay with our family, but when we fly abroad people mostly are not like Indians, their upbringing is very different from the Indians.

From early age their parents & teachers teach them how to live life individually. For that they are very strong & very punctual, they are very dedicated for their life.

As per our experience when you fly abroad from your home country, you should strongly set your mind that you are ready for long hours work, behave highly professional, time management & commitment should be up to the mark or else you cannot succeed your career in abroad.

But many Indians carry their casual approach & they have their mind setup someone will be doing behalf of them which is absolutely wrong. For that every year many young Indian students and professionals after flying to their abroad destinations, they are unable to show hardcore professional behaviour, unable to take responsibilities, unable to accept climate or food and immediately return back to home. This kind of situation happens more than 10-15% cases. B.S.B recommends to all of you to be careful when you fly to abroad. It’s your responsibility to know each and everything before flying & if you are unable to do so, for your failure don’t blame anyone.

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